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Stairway To Heaven chords (for acoustic guitar) Led Zeppelin Am E+ C D F G Am Am E+ There s a lady who s sure
All that Cglitters is Dgold And she s Fbuying a stairway to GheaAmven. Am E+ When she gets there she knows If the Cstores are all Dclosed With a Fword she can get what she Gcame Amfor. COoh, Dooh, FOoh, Amooh and she s Cbuying a Gstairway to Dheaven.
Am E+ There s a sign on the wall
But she Cwants to be Dsure cause you Fknow sometimes words have two GmeanAmings. Am E+ In a tree by the brook There s a Csongbird who Dsings, Sometimes Fall of our thoughts are GmisAmgiven.
Am E+ C D F G Am
DOoh, it makes me AmwonderEm, D C D DOohDsus4, D and it makes me AmwondeEmr. D C D
There s a Cfeeling I Gget When I Amlook to the west, And my Cspirit is Gcrying for FleavAming. In my Cthoughts I have Gseen Rings of Amsmoke through the trees, And the Cvoices of Gthose who stand FlookAming. DOoh, it makes me AmwonderEm, D C D DOohDsus4, D and it makes me AmwondeEmr. D C D
And its Cwhispered that Gsoon If we Amall call the tune Then the Cpiper will Glead us to FreasAmon. And a Cnew day will Gdawn For Amthose who stand long And the Cforests will Gecho with FlaughAmter.
CIf there s a Gbustle in your Amhedgerow Don t be Galarmed now, CIt s just a Gspring clean for the Ammay queen. CYes, there are Gtwo paths you can Amgo by But in the Glong run CThere s still Gtime to change the Amroad you re on. DOoh, it makes me AmwonderEm D C D
CYour head is Ghumming and it Amwon t go In case Gyou don t know, CThe pipers Gcalling you to Amjoin him, CDear lady, Gcan you hear the Amwind blow, And did Gyou know CYour stairway Glies on the Amwhispering wind.
D Dsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D Dsus4 C Cadd9 C Cadd9 C Am G F G/Am And as we wind on down the road G F G/Am Our shadows taller than our soul. G F G/Am There walks a lady we all know G F G/Am Who shines white light and wants to show G F G/Am How everything still turns to gold. G F G/Am And if you listen very hard G F G/Am The tune will come to you at last. G F G/Am When all are one and one is all
To be a Grock and not to Froll. And she s Fbuying a Gstairway to heaAmven.