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====================================================================== =Song: Poor Tom = =Band: Led Zeppelin = =Album: Coda = =Drummer: John "Bonzo" Bonham = =Tabbed By: Bonzorocks = ====================================================================== KEY: S - Snare (o - Strike Snare, O - Accent Snare) Bd - Bass Drum Hf - Hit-Hat with foot The Measures (4/4): Normal HH |----------------| S |----------------| Bd |----------------| |1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + | John Bonham's Kit: Drum: Ludwig Cymbals: pAisTe Bass Drum 26" Hit-hat Sound-Edged 15" Single Bass Speed King Ride 24" Snare Supra Phonic 6 x 14" Crashes 16", 18", 20" and 22" Mid Tom 10 x 14" Gong 36" Floor Tom 1 16" x 16" Floor Tom 2 16" x 18" Tympani 29" Sticks: Ludwig 2A The Song: |-----------Repeat---51x------------| S |00000000|0o0o0o0o|00000000|0o0o0o0o| BD|oo-o-o-o|o---o---|oo-o-o-o|o---o---| Hf|--x---x-|--x---x-|--x---x-|--x---x-| |1+2+3+4+|1+2+3+4+|1+2+3+4+|1+2+3+4+| S |00000000|0o0o0o0o|00000000|0-------| BD|oo-o-o-o|o---o---|oo-o-o-o|o-------| Hf|--x---x-|--x---x-|--x---x-|--------| |1+2+3+4+|1+2+3+4+|1+2+3+4+|1+2+3+4+|