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Capo: 2
Capo 2 It doesnt matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M Just put your paws up Cause you were Born This Way, baby E D A E
E My mama told me when DI was young AWe are all born superstarsE E She rolled my hair and put my Dlipstick on AIn the glass of her boudoEir
E "Theres nothin wrong with lovin whoD you are" She said, "CAause he made you perfect, babEe" E "So hold your head up, girl and you Dyoull go far, Alisten to me when I Esay"
Im beautifEul in my way, Cause God makes nDo mistakes Im on the rAight track, baby I was EBorn This Way
Dont hide yoursEelf in regret, Just love yourDself and youre set Im on the rAight track, baby I was EBorn This Way
EOoo, there aint no other way DBaby, I was Born This Way ABaby, I was Born This EWay EOoo, there aint other way DBaby, I was Born- Im on the rAight track, baby I was EBorn This Way
Dont bEe a drag, just bDe a queen Dont bEe a drag, just bDe a queen Dont bEe a drag, just bDe a queen Dont bEe!
E Give yourself prudence And Dlove your friends ASubway kid, rejoice your Etruth
E In the religion of the Dinsecure I must Abe myself, respect my youEth
E A different lover is Dnot a sin Believe cAapital H-I-EM Hey, Hey, Hey E I love my life, I love this Drecord and Mi Aamore vole fe yEah
Im beautifEul in my way, Cause God makes nDo mistakes Im on the rAight track, baby I was EBorn This Way
Dont hide yoursEelf in regret, Just love yourDself and youre set Im on the rAight track, baby I was EBorn This Way
EOoo, there aint no other way DBaby, I was Born This Way ABaby, I was Born This EWay EOoo, there aint other way DBaby, I was Born- Im on the rAight track, baby I was EBorn This Way
Dont bEe drag, just bDe a queen WhetEher youre broke or eDvergreen Youre bElack, white, beige, cholDa descent Youre lEebanese, youre orDient WhetEher lifes disDabilities Left Eyou outcast, Dbullied or teased RejEoice and love yourDself today Cause bEaby, you were Born This Way
No matter Egay, straight or bi Lesbian, trDansgendered life Im on the riAght track, baby I was Eborn to survive No matter Eblack, white or beige Chola or Dorient made Im on the rAight track, baby I was Eborn to be brave
Im beautifEul in my way, Cause God makes nDo mistakes Im on the rAight track, baby I was EBorn This Way
Dont hide yoursEelf in regret, Just love yourDself and youre set Im on the rAight track, baby I was EBorn This Way
EOoo, there aint no other way DBaby, I was Born This Way ABaby, I was Born This EWay EOoo, there aint other way DBaby, I was Born- Im on the rAight track, baby I was EBorn This Way
I was EBorn This Way, hey! I was DBorn This Way, hey! Im on the rAight track, baby I was EBorn This Way, hey!
I was EBorn This Way, hey! I was DBorn This Way, hey! Im on the rAight track, baby I was EBorn This Way, hey!