Lady Gaga - Always remember us this way
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From the movie "A star is born"
[Verse 1]
AmThat Arizona sky burning in your Feyes
CYou look at me and, babe, I wanna catch on Gfire
AmIt’s buried in my soul like California Fgold
CYou found the light in me that I couldn’t Gfind
FSo when I'm all choked up
And I can't find the wCords
Every tAmime we say goodbye
Baby, it hGurts
FWhen the Gsun goes Amdown
FAnd the Gband won't Cplay
FI'll always Gremember us this Cway
[Verse 2]
Lovers in the nAmight
Poets trying to wFrite
We dCon't know how to rhyme
But damn we tGry
But all I really kAmnow
You're where I wanna gFo
The pCart of me that's you will never dGie
So when I'm aFll choked up
And I can't find the wCords
Every tAmime we say goodbye
Baby, it huGrts
FWhen the Gsun goes Amdown
FAnd the Gband won't Cplay
FI'll always reGmember us this Bbway
BbOh, yeah
FI CdoBbn'tF wGanna be just a memory, baby, yeah
So when I'm aFll choked up
And I can't find the worCds
Every tAmime we say goodbye
Baby, it hGurts
FWhen the Gsun goes Amdown
FAnd the Gband won't Cplay
FI'll alwaysG remember us this Amway
FWhen you Glook at Amme
FAnd the Gwhole world Cfades
FI'llG alwFays rBbemember uFs this wCay