Kitchie Nadal - Breathe
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well, i figured out the chords myself... i juz don't know if i got the lyrics just
right.....hope you enjoy it! comment me... 09265327264...
The worCld stood still
When I first met yAmou
You took Gmy heEmart
Things will never be theCsame
My seCnses numb
The words stay revAmersed
Repeatedly in mGy eaEmr
Wanna see you agCain
It's haGrd to breEmathe
CEver since thGen
TheyG're gone and swEmeeps
WouCnd tears agaGin
(same chord as the 1st stanza)
Something that you said
I'll always cherich within
You took my hand
Things will never be the same
A am beside you now
All alone in a room
Always been so happy
Since you mended my wound
Repeat Cho.