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Artist:Kings of Leon
Album:A-Ha Shake Heartbreak
C - 032010
C9 - 032030
| (in this chord,Caleb bends the 2nd string eveytime he plays it)
Am - 002210
F - 113211
G - 320033
E - 022100
E7 - 022130
-INTRO:(guitar1:chords / guitar2:tab)
C C9 C C9
C C9 C C9
I Cused to see you C9every day
Cused to see you C9every dayC
C9I Cdanced around your C9folk and soul
I Cdanced to all your C9fucking soulC
C9I Cleft you with your C9nose a bleedin'
C and your C9toes creepin' arCou
C9aahh Cso mundane and C9incomplete
Chand me down my C9pants and Cget me off this sC9treet C
-CHORUS:(guitar1:chords / guitar2:tab)
C9i'm Ampassed out in your garden
i'm Fin I can't get off
G G G G G G G G G G G G G G --) (GUITAR 1)
so soft
|--15-15-14-14-12-12-10-10-8-8-7-7-5-5-3-3--- ---| (GUITAR 2)
i'd Ampop myself in your body
i'd Fcome into your party
G G G G G G G G G G G G G G --) (GUITAR 1)
but i'm soft
|--15-15-14-14-12-12-10-10-8-8-7-7-5-5-3-3--- ---| (GUITAR 2)
-VERSE 2: same chords as verse 1. These are the lyrics:
behind the fringe of a whiskey high
mutilating cat like eyes
and in your nose blood decadence
you try to drag me into your bohemian dancing
you paint my fingers and you paint my toes
you let your perfect nipple show
-CHORUS 2:(guitar1:chords / guitar2:tab)
i'm Ampassed out in your garden
i'm Fin I can't get off
G G G G G G G G G G G G G G --) (GUITAR 1)
so soft
|--15-15-14-14-12-12-10-10-8-8-7-7-5-5-3-3--- ---| (GUITAR 2)
i'd Ampop myself in your body
i'd Fcome into your party
G G G G G G G G G G G G G G --) (GUITAR 1)
but i'm soft
|--15-15-14-14-12-12-10-10-8-8-7-7-5-5-3-3--- ---| (GUITAR 2)
GUITAR 1:(play these chords):
C - E - Am - F
C - E - Am - F
-CHORUS 3:(guitar1:chords / guitar2:tab)
i'm Cpassed out in your garden
i'm Ein I can't get off so Amsoft F
i'd Cpop myself in your body
i'd Ecome into your party but i'm Amsoft F
i'm Cpassed out in your garden
i'm Ein I can't get E7off so Amsoft G F G
i'd Cpop myself in your body
i'd Ecome into your E7party but i'm Amsoft G F G