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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMEMO - Kings of Leon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by:jamesmckee92 There seems to be no acoustic tab here so i thought i tab it out as the way i play it on acoustic is very simple. It is basically an A barre chord which you strum down once and up once, followed by the strings. Then lift your index finger off the E,A,D and G strings. Strum this chord twice with and once with an upstroke. Then repeat throughout verses of song I know this probably sounds slightly confusing so leave a comment and ill see if i can it for you! Verses: D U D D U e|---5--5--x---5--5--5---------------------| B|---5--5--M---5--5--5---------------------| G|---6--6--U---6--6--6---------------------| D|---7--7--T---7--7--7---------------------| A|---7--7--E---7--7--7---------------------| E|---5--5--x---0--0--0---------------------| Chorus: e|---10---| B|---10---| G|---11---| (Same strumming pattern as verses) D|---12---| A|---12---| E|---10---| Thanks for looking ************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend