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FWalk you Am7home to seeG, where your liFvin' aroundAm7, and I kGnow this plFace
FPour yourAm7self on me,G And you know IF'm the one,Am7 that youG won't forgFet
FAnd in yoAm7ur denim eyGes, I see sometFhing's awryAm7, and I sGee you're wFeak
FWhen he cAm7omes aroundG, see your fixiFn' to shineAm7, and my Gface won't Fspeak
FHate to be so emAm7otional G
GI didn't aim to get pFhysical
FBut when he pulled in and rAm7evved it upG
GI said, 'you call that a pickF up truck?'
FAnd in the moonlight I throweAm7d him down G
GKickin' screamin' & rollFing around
FA little piece of a bloAm7ody tooth G
GJust so you know I was thinkFing of you
FJust so you know ohAm7hhhh G F
Then repeat same chords through out entire song :)