Keane - Somewhere only we know
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Somewhere Only We Know
by Keane.
Intro: A A/G# A4/G# D/B [E4 E] - Play this two times.
AI walked across A/G#an empty lA4/G#and A/G#
D/BI knew the pathway like the bE4ack of my hEand
AI felt the earthA/G# beneath my A4/G#feet A/G#
D/BSat by the river and it mE4ade me compElete
F#mOh simple thing C#mwhere have you gone
D/BI'm getting old and I need E4something to reEly on
SF#mo tell me when yC#mou're gonna let me in
D/BI'm getting tired and I need sE4omewhere to begEin
AI came across a A/G#fallen tA4/G#ree A/G#
D/BI felt the branches of it E4looking at Eme
AIs this the place A/G#we used to lA4/G#ove? A/G#
D/BIs this the place that I've been dE4reaming oEf?
F#mOh simple thing C#mwhere have you gone
D/BI'm getting old and I need E4something to reEly on
SF#mo tell me when yC#mou're gonna let me in
D/BI'm getting tired and I need sE4omewhere to begEin
D/BAnd if you have a mC#minute why don't we go
D/BTalk about it sC#momewhere only we know?
D/BThis could be the eC#mnd of everything
D/BSo why don't we go
SC#momewhere only we kD/Bnow?
C#m D/B [C#m D/B C#m D/B]
Somewhere only we know?
F#mOh simple thing C#mwhere have you gone
D/BI'm getting old and I need E4something to reEly on
SF#mo tell me when yC#mou're gonna let me in
D/BI'm getting tired and I need sE4omewhere to begEin
D/BAnd if you have a C#mminute why don't we go
D/BTalk about it sC#momewhere only we know?
D/BThis could be the eC#mnd of everything
D/BSo why don't we go
So why don'tC#m we goD/B
Ah... Ah .....Ah
D/BThis could be the C#mend of everything
D/BSo why don't we go
C#mSomewhere only we knD/Bow?
C#mSomewhere only we CmknoBmw?
C#mSomewhere only Bmwe knoAw
If there's any trouble with it, feel free to message me, I got the chords by listening
to the song and I don't know if they're all right.