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Capo: 2
BLACK BURNING HEART KEANE Album:PERFECT SYMMETRY STANDARD TUNING - CAPO 2 (Scroll down for no-capo version) Dm6 xx0201 Fmaj7 033210 Crescendo: Alternate Am - Asus2 INTRO: C | C/B | Dsus2 | Dsus2 - G Riff: C C/B Dsus2 Dsus2 G e|-----0--------0-------|-----0--------0-------|-----0--------0-------|-----0------------------| B|--3-------3---------1-|--3-------3---------1-|--3-------3---------1-|--3---------1-----------| G|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|----------------2-------| D|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|------------------------| A|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|------------------------| E|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|------------------------| VERSE:
I Amwish that I coCuld be GIn the cellars Fof the sea And Amdisappear in tChem GNever to be sFeen again
AmLive thisC life Its Gunrelenting aFppetite For Amfeeding off thCe weak Who Gnever had their tFime to speak
The Amsky will be my Fmaj7shroud A Dmmonumental FclouGd
CHORUS: (play intro riff)
If we could Cturn back, you can't paper C/Bover the crack But it will rDsus2eturn now, and your heart will burn blacGk
AmGive me yCour hand GCut the skin, Flet me in The Ammolecules of Cus BGleeding into Fone again
The Amsky will be my Fmaj7shroud ThDme cenotaph of FcloudG
CHORUS: (play intro riff)
If we could Cturn back, you can't paper C/Bover the crack But it will rDsus2eturn now, and your heart will Dmburn blackG Forgotten my Cway home, forgotten everythC/Bing that I know Every day a fDmalse start, and it burns my D6heart
I Cknow GEverything you said was right, and I Fmaj7suppose EAmverything is here forever, till it Cgoes You gGave it all away, kept nothing for Fmaj7yourself Just a picture on the shelf
FRENCH: Am - Fmaj7 - Dsus2 - F - G Je souhaiterais merger Dans les profondeurs des mers Y disparatre Pour ne plus jamais tre vu BRIDGE 2:
Burning Cup now And I'm Gracing down a road I don't rDmecognise I realise I've
CHORUS(play intro riff):
Forgotten my wCay home, forgotten everyC/Bthing that I know Every day a Dmfalse start, and it burns my D6heartG C - C/B - Dm - G Turn B(l?)ack
C | C/B | Dm | Dm - G OUTRO: Am ---------------------------------------------------------------------- STANDARD TUNING - NO CAPO Em6 022020 Crescendo: Alternate Bm - Bsus2 INTRO: D | D/C# | Em | Em - A Riff: D D/C# Em Em A e|-----2--------2-------|-----2--------2-------|-----2--------2-------|-----2------------------| B|--5-------5---------3-|--5-------5---------3-|--5-------5---------3-|--5---------3---0-------| G|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|------------------------| D|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|------------------------| A|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|------------------------| E|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|------------------------| VERSE:
I Bmwish that I coDuld be AIn the cellars Gof the sea And Bmdisappear in tDhem ANever to be sGeen again
BmLive thisD life Its Aunrelenting aGppetite For Bmfeeding off thDe weak Who Anever had their tGime to speak
The Bmsky will be my Gmaj7shroud A Emmonumental GclouAd
CHORUS: (play intro riff)
If we could Dturn back, you can't paper D/C#over the crack But it will rEmeturn now, and your heart will burn blaAck
BmGive me yDour hand ACut the skin, Glet me in The Bmmolecules of Dus BAleeding into Gone again
The Bmsky will be my Gmaj7shroud ThEme cenotaph of GcloudA
CHORUS: (play intro riff)
If we could Dturn back, you can't paper D/C#over the crack But it will rEmeturn now, and your heart will burn blaAck Forgotten my Dway home, forgotten everythD/C#ing that I know Every day a fEmalse start, and it burns my Em6heartA
I Dknow AEverything you said was right, and I Gmaj7suppose EBmverything is here forever, till it Dgoes You gAave it all away, kept nothing for Gmaj7yourself Just a picture on the shelf
FRENCH: Bm - Gmaj7 - Em - G - A Je souhaiterais merger Dans les profondeurs des mers Y disparatre Pour ne plus jamais tre vu BRIDGE 2:
Burning Dup now And I'm Aracing down a road I don't rEmecognise I realise I've
CHORUS(play intro riff):
Forgotten my wDay home, forgotten everyD/C#thing that I know Every day a Emfalse start, and it burns my Em6heart A D - D/C# - Em - A Turn B(l?)ack
D | D/C# | Em | Em - A OUTRO: Bm