Joshua Radin - Beautiful day
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Key: E Major
Capo: None
Strumming Pattern: D D U D U D D U D U
Intro: E for 2 bars then straight into the verse
Verse 1:
I'm gonna Ewash the dust off Amy sEoul
I'm gonna Elisten to some roAck n' rEoll
No cEares, coAme what mEay
I'm mEaking a Abeautiful Eday
Verse 2:
I'm gonna Edrive my carA into the sEea
Swim out Efar cause AI belieEve that the Ewaves will wash the Agrey aEway
I'm mEaking a Abeautiful Eday
F#mBut let me hear you sAay
EOooh GmooohhA my mEy A E
I'm leaC#mrning to fBly
EHey Gmhey wAhat's that you're saEying
ALets not forgeEt we're C#malive A E
Verse 3:
Gonna Eclimb that hillA behind my Ehouse
See what this Eplace is Aall abEout
ECause from above it all
You can'At help but sEay
It's gC#monna be a bAeautiful Eday
It's gC#monna be a bAeautiful Eday
F#mBut let me hear you Asay
Musical Interlude:
E Gm A E A E C#m C#m A A E
Verse 4:
Gonna Eturn my enemiesA into fEriends
Was bEroken yet strongerA when it Emends
When we Eall come together this Asong will Eplay
We'll sEing it's a beAautiful Eday
And it's C#mgonna be my bAeautiful Eday
Repeat E till end.
This is the easiest I could make it, pretty sure it's all correct. Enjoy! Any
corrections you have would be greatly appreciated.