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Screwed by Jonathan Coulton Chord List in order of appearance: G C A7 D C/G B7 Em Am7 D7 C#m7b5 Dsus4 E--3---0---0---2---3---2---0----0---2-----------3---| B--0---1---2---3---1---0---0----1---1----5------3---| G--0---0---0---2---0---2---0----0---2----4------2---| D--0---2---2---0---2---1---2----2---0----5------0---| A--2---3---0-------x---2---2----0--------4----------| E--3---------------3-------0------------------------| I've also tabbed out the little fills he does and labelled them figure 1 and figure 2. (fig.1) (fig.2) E-------------3---|-----3----3--3----| B---------1---0---|---0-1----0--0----| G---------0---0---|---0-0----0--0----| D--0h2p0--2---0---|---0-2----0--0----| A-----------------|------------------| E-----------------|----------3-------| Thats all you need, now heres the song. G C A7 D G C/G G
GSome dumb CIndian A7sold ManDhattan for GSeven Cbucks and a A7bottle of Dbooze GWent out dCrinking and A7came home Dsober and GTold his Cfriends the good Gnews
GBernaCdette saw the A7Virgin DMary but GNo one eClse could and eA7veryone Dtried GAll her Cfriends said A7that she'd gone Dcrazy, she GJoined a Cconvent and Gdied
B7I'm the EmIndian,B7 I am EmBernadette DI'm the Gsucker who Ddoesn't Gknow it yet B7I just Emsigned it, I B7never reEmviewed All the A7fine print you wrote outAm7 D7Now I guess I'm Gscrewed C A7 D
GIndiaCna Jones A7liked to Dtravel, he GTook his Cfriend on a A7treasure hunt Dtrip GDid a Cfavor, tA7hrew him the Didol but GNever Cgot back his Gwhip
GBoba CFett was a A7bounty Dhunter, he GDid his Cjob well, he A7brought back his Dman GHe was Cclutching his A7unspent Dmoney when heG Fell down a Chole in the Gsand
B7I am EmDr. Jones,B7 I am EmBoba Fett DI'm the Gsucker who Ddoesn't Gknow it yet B7I just Emsigned it, I B7never reEmviewed All the A7fine print you wrote outAm7 D7Now I guess I'm Gscrewed C A7 D
G C/G G C#m7b5 G (Fig.1) C#m7b5 G (Fig.2) It's bad news for me again, It never ends
C#m7b5I got no Gprize inside my DHappy Meal Dsus4 D C#m7b5 G C#m7b5 G (Fig.1) I got lots of money, I got lots of friends C#m7b5Just like GMeatloaf got a Drecord deal Dsus4 D
GAlexCander Graham A7Bell made Dtelephones,G His friend CWatson was A7out all the Dtime GCalled him Cup just to A7chat, noDbody home,G Never Cgot back his Gdime
GOnce upCon a time A7France was Dbeautiful,G Had a Cqueen who gave A7everyone Dcake GThen the Cpeople got A7mad and Dkilled her dead,G Took back Call they could Gtake
B7I am EmGraham Bell,B7 Marie EmAntionette DI'm the Gsucker who Ddoesn't Gknow it yet B7I just Emsigned it, I B7never reEmviewed All the A7fine print you wrote outAm7 D7Now I guess I'm Gscrewed C A7 D
G C/G G Have fun, Dave Email: Guitar Tab Legend: h - Hammer on p - Pull off x - finger mute (fretboard hand)