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Cheerfully stolen from: Fear not, though! It falls under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported license! Yay! Yay? Yes, yay! As long as credit is given and this is not used for commercial purposes, you can use it. Which I did. Hurray. Transcribed by gchristo. Intro: A E D A
EI haven't thought of you in Dfifteen Adays and F#mtoday I still won't tBmhink of you EAnd when I call you up and yDou're not Ahome, well I Bmmight not even Ecare DEvery day gets better than the Aone before DCause every day I know that I'm F#mfine withEout you D EBut I don't think about it
AThis one is Enot about Ayou You can Dput that in your F#mpipe and Esmoke it AThis one is Enot about Ayou Baby, Dyou can take F#mthat to the Ebank And Bmshove it up your Ebig fat Aass
EEvery time I ride Dpast your Ahouse I F#mforget it's you who's Bmliving there EAnyway I never Dsee your Aface cause your Bmwindow's up too Ehigh DAnd I saw you shopping at the Agrocery store But I was Dfar too busy with my F#mcart to Enotice D EYou weren't looking at me
AThis one is Enot about Ayou You can Dput that in your F#mpipe and Esmoke it AThis one is Enot about Ayou Baby, Dyou can take F#mthat to the Ebank And Bmshove it up your Ebig fat Aass
Solo: A E D A A E D F#m E D E F#m D E
EI saw that movie where the Dguy gets Adumped when the F#mgirl goes off to Bmfind herself EBut I think I may have Dmissed the Aend - there was Bmsomething Ein my eye DBut it doesn't matter how it Aall turns out Because I Dknow that guy'll be F#mfine withEout you D EYou shouldn't worry cause
AThis one is Enot about Ayou You can Dput that in your F#mpipe and Esmoke it AThis one is Enot about Ayou Baby, Dyou can take F#mthat to the Ebank And Bmshove it up your Ebig fat Aass
Outro: A E D A