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D xx0232
G 3x0033
A x02220
Asus4 x02230
Bm x24432
A7 x02020
A7sus4 x02030
Dsus4 xx0233
F# 244322
Dadd4/A x04030
Verse 1
DLong Gago in Adays of Dyore
It all Gbegan with a Agod named DThor
There were AVikings and Bmboats
And some Gplans for a furniture stDore
It's Dnot a boGdega, it's Anot a Dmall
And they sell Gthings for aApartments Dsmaller
than Amine, As if Bmthere were aGpartments smaller than Dmine
I-Ake-Bma (GIkea-a) just some oak and somDe pine and a handful of NoDrsemeAn Asus4
I-Ake-Bma (GIkea-a) selling furniture DFor college kids and divorcDed meAn Asus4
GEveryone Dhas a A7homA7sus4e A7
But Gif you don't Dhave a Ahome you can buy one DthereDsus4 D
Verse 2
So Drent a Gcar or Atake the Dbus
Lay your Gcash down and Aput your Dtrust
In the Aland where the Bmfurniture Gfolds to a much smaller Dsize
Billy the Gbookcase Asays Dhello
And so does a Gtable whose Aname is InDgo
And the Achair is a Bmladder-back Gbirch but his friends call him DKarl
I-Ake-Bma (GIkea-a) just some oak and somDe pine and a handful of NoDrsemeAn Asus4
I-Ake-Bma (GIkea-a) selling furniture DFor college kids and divorcDed meAn Asus4
GEveryone Dhas a A7homA7sus4e A7
But Gif you don't Dhave a Ahome you can buy one DthereDsus4 D
BmIkea: F#plywood, brushed steel
D A7 Dadd4/A
Ikea: meatballs, tasty
BmIkea: F#Allen wrenches
DAll of them for free
F#All of them for me
Guitar Solo - See below
Verse 3
I'm Dsorry I Gsaid AIkea Dsucks
I just bought a Gtable for A60 Dbucks
And a Achair and a Bmlamp And a Gshelf and some candles for Dyou
I was a Gdoubter Ajust like Dyou
'til I saw the GAmerican Adream come Dtrue
In New AJersey, Bmthey got a Ggod damned Swedish paDrade
I-Ake-Bma (GIkea-a) just some oak and somDe pine and a handful of NoDrsemeAn Asus4
I-Ake-Bma (GIkea-a) selling furniture DFor college kids and divorcDed meAn Asus4
GEveryone Dhas a A7homA7sus4e A7
But Gif you don't Dhave a Ahome you can buy one DthereDsus4 D
Guitar solo tabs:
Pre bend on 9th fret