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Email: This is how I play "Creepy Doll" by JoCo. I forget where I originally got these chords but the versions I found on UG are either oddly formatted or inaccurate. The chords in the first verse aren't played in the studio version but singing a capella in an acoustic performance is really weird so I put them in. Technically the chords start at the word "flashlight". Also, I play the F# G G# A with all barre chords and then slide down the fretboard with the A. VERSE 1
AmIn a town in the wEoods at the top of a HCill there’s a house whereD no one lives FSo you take a big bCag of you big city mDoney there and bEuy it AmThen at night when the hEouse dark And you’rCe all alone there’sD a noise upstairs FAt the top of the stCairs there’s a door so youD take a deep breath and Etry it And the flFashlight shows you sComething moving jDmust inside the dAmoor There’s aF tattered dress and aC feeling that you’Dve felt somewheEre before
AmAnd there’s a creepy dolFl that always follows you GIt’s got a ruined eye that?F#??sG alwG#aysA op-en AmAnd there’s a creepy dolFl that always follows you GIt’s got a pretty mouth to F#swaGllowG# you Awhole
AmSo you scream and you clEose the door And you tCell yourself it was jDust a dream FIn the morning you hCead into town cause you wDant to go Eantiquing AmIn the store there’s a sEtrange old man With a wCandering eye and a wDithered hand FWhen he hands you the Cold wooden box you can hDear his old bones crEeaking And you knFow what you will fCind inside the mDmoment that you sAmee That sFomeone carved your nCame into the tDmarnished silver kEey
And whFen you come home lCate the doll is wDmaiting there for yAmou And whFen you fix a snCack the doll says Dmit would like one tAmoo The dFoll is in your hGouse and in your rFoom and in your bGed The dFoll is in your Geyes and in your Farms and in your hGead And you are crCazy F D7 F
AmNow it’s late and youE head downstairs Cause you jCust can’t sleep so youD make some tea FAnd the doll disapprCovingly asks if you rDeally need that much hEoney AmYou decide that you’veE had enough So you lCock the doll in the wDooden box FYou put the box in the fCireplace next to your bDag of big city mEoney As the smFoke fills up your tCiny room there’sDm nothing you canAm do It’sF far too late, youC see, the one iDmnside the box isE you