Johnny Cash - Sunday morning coming down
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Capo: 1
The words and music of this song was wrote by Kris Kristofferson.
Capo 1st fret.
Verse 1
GWell I woke up Sunday morning
with no Cway to hold my Dhead that didn't Ghurt
and the beer I had for breakfast wasn't Embad
so I had one more for des-Dsert
then I Gfumbled in my closeG7t through my clothCes
and found my cleanest, dirtyG shirt Em
then I Cwashed my face, and Dcombed my hair
Cand stumbled down the Dstairs to meet the day
Verse 2
GI'd smoked my mind the G7night before
Cwith cigarettes and Dsongs I'd been Gpicking
but I lit my first and watched a small kidEm playing
with the can that he was Dkicking
then I Gwalked across the G7street
and caught the CSunday smell of someone's Gfrying chicken Em
and lord it Ctook me back to some-Dthin that I Amlost somewhere
Dsomehow along the Gway
on a Sunday morning Csidewalk
I'm wishing lord, that I was Gstoned
cause there's something in a DSunday
that makes the body feel Galone
and there's nothing short of Cdying
that's half as lonesome as the Gsound
of the sleeping city Dsidewalks
and Sunday morning coming Gdown
Verse 3
in the park I saw a G7daddy
with a Claughing little Dgirl that he was Gswinging
and I stopped beside a Sunday school
and Emlistened to the songs that they were Dsinging
then I Gheaded down the G7street
and somewhere Cfar away a lonely bell was ring - Ging Em
and it Cechoed through the Dcanyons
like our Amdisappearing Ddreams of yester - Gday
Chorus 2 As chorus 1 rall. at end.