Johnny Cash - I got shoes
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Tuning: D G C F A D
Worked out on request for thomason88821. Do you mind your avatar is here?
Songwriters: Johnny R. Cash
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ATTENTION: All chords for 4 fast beats OR count the *
[Verse 1]
C* I got shoes, F7* you got shoes, C* all of God's children's got C*shoes.
[Verse 2]
When I get to heaven gonna put on my shoes, I'm gonna C**walk all F/G**over God's Cheaven [h] Gheaven [h]. CEverybody talkin' bout Fheaven ain't a goin' there Cheaven [h] Gheaven [h], I'm gonna C**walk all F/G**over God's Cheaven [I'm gonna Ab7fly].Db*I got wings, Db*you got wings, Db*all of God's children's got Db*wings.
DbWhen I get to heaven gonna Gbput on my wings
I'm gonna Db**fly all Gb/Ab**over God's Dbheaven [h] Abheaven [h].
DbEverybody talkin' bout Gbheaven ain't a goin' there Dbheaven [h] Abheaven [h],
I'm gonna Db**fly all Gb/Ab**over God's Dbheaven [it's gonna A7shine].
[Verse 3]
D*I got a crown, D*you got a crown, D*all of God's children's got a D*crown.
DWhen I get to heaven gonna Gput on my crown,
I'm gonna D**shine all G/A**over God's Dheaven [h] Aheaven [h].
DEverybody talkin' bout G**heaven ain't a G#dim7**goin' there Dheaven [h] Aheaven [h],
I'm gonna D**shine all G/A**over God's Dheaven [I'm gonna Bb7play].
[Verse 4]
Eb*I got a harp, Eb*you got a harp, Eb*all of God's children's got a Eb*harp.
EbWhen I get to heaven gonna Abplay on my harp,
I'm gonna Eb**play all Ab/Bb**over God's Ebheaven [h] Bbheaven [h].
Eb**Everybody Eb7**talkin' bout Ab**heaven ain't a Adim7**goin' there Ebheaven [h] Bbheaven [h],
I'm gonna Eb**play all Ab/Bb**over God's Ebheaven.
Eb* Ab7* Adim7* Eb/Bb* Eb* [ Eb* ]
[I'm gonna walk, fly, shine, play], walk all over God's heaven.