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E Oh come all you young fellers, so yoAung and so fBine, sEeek not your fortune in the dAark dreary mEind. It'll form as a habit and sAeep in your sBoul, till the stEream of you blood runs as blAack as the cEoal. Where it's dBark as the dungeon, dAamp as the dEew. DaBnger is double, pleaAsures are fEew, where the rain never falls, where the sAun never shBines, it's dEark as the dungeon way dAown in the mEine. Like a man with his dope, like a druAnkard with his wBife, a mEan will have lust for the lAure of the mEine. And I'll pray when I'm dead, and my aAges shall rBoll, that my bEody would blacken and tAurn into cEoal. And I'd look from the door of my heaAvenly hBome and pEity the miner diAggin my boEnes. Where it's dBark as the dungeon, dAamp as the dEew. DanBgers are double, pleaAsures are fEew, where the rain never falls, the sAun never shBines, it's dEark as the dungeon way dAown in the mEine.