Johnny Cash - As long as the grass shall grow
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Tuning: E A D G B E
To play like the original, it's a simple thumb pluck on the bass notes
of each chord. A great way to strenghten those muscles.
Also, in case anyone was wondering,
Perfidy means, A deliberate breach of trust, Treachery.
As lAong, As the mEoon shall rAise, As lAong, As the riEvers, FAlow
As loDng, As the sDun will shAine, As loDng, As the grDass shall gArow
The SenAecas are an Indian tribe of the IroDquios Nation
DEown on the New York Pennsylvania Line, You'll fAind their reservation
After the AUS Revolution, Corn PlaDnter was the chief
He toEld the tribe, These men they could trAust, That was his true belief
AHe went down to Independance Hall, And thDere was a treaty signed
That proEmised peace with the USA, And InAdian rights combined
George WashAington gave his signature, The goveDrnment gave its hand
They sEaid that now and forever more, That tAhis was Indian land
As lAong, As the mEoon shall rAise, As lAong, As the riEvers, FAlow
As loDng, As the sDun will shAine, As lDong, As the grDass shall gArow
On the SeAneca reservation, ThDere is much sadness now
Washingtons TrEeaty has been broken, And thAere is no hope now
Across the AlleAgheny River, They're throDwing up a dam
It will flEood the Indian country, A proud dAay for Uncle Sam
It has bAroke the ancient treaty, With a poliDticians grin
It will drEown the Indians graveyards, Corn PlAanter can you swim
The earth is MoAther to the Senecas, They're traDmpling sacred ground
Change the mEint green earth, To black mud flats, As hoAnour hobbles down
As lAong, As the mEoon shall rAise, As lAong, As the riEvers, FAlow
As loDng, As the sDun will shAine, As lDong, As the grDass shall gArow
The IroAquois Indians used to rule, From CanDada way south
But Eno-one fears the Indians now, And smAiles the liars mouth
The SeAnecas hired an expert, To fiDgure another site
But the grEeat good army engineers, Said tAhat he had no right
Although he shAowed them another plan, And shDowed them another way
They lauEghed in his face, And said no deal, Kinuza DAam is here to stay
ConAgress turned the Indians down, Brushed oDff the Indians plea
So the SenEecas have renamed the dam, They cAall it Lake Perfidy
As lAong, As the mEoon shall rAise, As lAong, As the riEvers, FAlow
As loDng, As the sDun will shAine, As lDong, As the grDass shall gArow
WashAington, Adams and Kennedy, Now hDear their pledges ring
The treEaties are safe, We'll keep our word, But wAhat is that gurgling
It's a bAack water from Perfidy Lake, It's riDsing all the time
OEver the homes, And over the fields, And oAver the promises fine
No bAoats will sail on Lake Perfidy, In WiDnter it will fill
In SuEmmer it will be a swamp, And Aall the fish will kill
But the GovAernment of the USA, Has corDrected Georges vow
The faEther of our country must be wrong, What's an InAdian anyhow
As lAong, As the mEoon shall rAise, As lAong, As the riEvers, FAlow
(Look up) (Are you thirsty)
As lDong, As the sDun will shAine, As lDong, As the grDass shall gArow
(My brother are you warm)