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CLord she's restless Like Fcotton candy clouds that sail the Cday
Slow and Ffree and she posCsesses A Fmind that can't resign itself to Cstay for long withF me
So I G7tried and tried to keep her tied and Fsatisfied Until she really Cneeds me yes I Fdo
But Cwhen that certain look comes on her G7face I can't reFplace it and she leaves Cme
She's a G7butterfly in mid July who Fjust can't wait to try Her brand new Cwings on brand new Fthings
And she Cneeds no rhyme or Freason when she Cgoes Her G7mind is on what lies beyond that Fwall of Blue horizon
I suCppose and heaven Fknows She'll go Csailing off on G7any old wind that Cblows
Yes she Fwill yes she Cwill She'll go sailing off on G7any old wind that Cblows
I know she needs me
About as Fmuch as I need someone Celse Which I Fdon't and if need Cbe
I Fswear someday I'll up and leave myCself
Which I Fwon't G7even If she loved another man I'd underFstand it more than I Cdo
Umh umh umh but I know the only reason
That she ever G7has for leaving is she wants Cto
She's a G7butterfly in mid July who Fjust can't wait to try Her brand new Cwings on brand new Fthings
And she Cneeds no rhyme or Freason when she Cgoes Her G7mind is on what lies beyond that Fwall of Blue horizon
I suCppose and heaven Fknows She'll go Csailing off on G7any old wind that Cblows
Yes she Fwill yes she Cwill She'll go sailing off on G7any old wind that Cblows