Johnny Cash - All around cowboy again
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Tuning: E A D G B E
DJust a broken down cowboy all dGown on his luck
He's been through the bAest of his friDends
On a long lonesome highway and an oGld pickup truck
Crossed Texas with a hAot dusty wDind
DHe was all around cowboy 1G959
From the top it's been a lAong way dDown
Since the whiskey and ladies started wiGnning his time
They rode him high and hAard to the grDound
Cause he rGemembers the thrill of bDein' a winner
And the feeling of bein' a beginner in the days of his first rodeo
But there was someGthing about winning tDhat didn't last forever
But tomGorrow it's boDund to get better
He'll be the all around cAowboy agDain
DThe windmills're turning on the west TeGxas plains
But he's dry as an oAld river bDed
He's just like the dust that's a seaGrching for rain
But he knows he'll be rAidin' agDain
So Dhe rolls up a smoke and he sips his Old CGrow
Wipes the whiskers that coAver his chDin
He grins as he dreams of the nGext rodeo
To be the all around coAwboy agDain
But he reGmembers the thrill of beDin' a winner
And the feeling of bein' a beginner in the days of his first rodeo
But there was someGthing about winning tDhat didn't last forever
But tomGorrow it's boDund to get better
He'll be the all around cAowboy agDain