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Tuning: G C E A
DWhat do we do now AWhat do we do now GWhat do we do now GWhat do Awe do Dnow
DWhen it's lying there with a Abusted heart Like a Gpiece of glass where Ado you Dstart Do we Gpick it up or Asay goodDbye Is there Gone tear left for Dus to Acry
DWhat do we do now AWhat do we do now GWhat do we do now GWhat do Awe do Dnow
DWhat if I can't stay what if Ayou can't stay What if I Gcan't leave what if Ayou can't Dleave DWhat if I believed every Aword you say What if Gyou believed unAtil Dtoday Do we Gcall the kids or Acall the Dcops Can you Ghold me 'till this Dhowling Astops
DWhat do we do now AWhat do we do now GWhat do we do now GWhat do Awe do Dnow
DGimme back my steel gimme bAack my nerve Gimme Gback my youth for the Adead man's Dcurve DFor that icy feel when you Astart to swerve Give us Gback the love we Adon't Ddeserve Gcause we rode it long we drAove it haDrd And we Gwrecked it in our Down Abackyard
DWhat do we do now AWhat do we do now GWhat do we do now GWhat do Awe do Dnow