John Frusciante - Zone
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Tuning: E A D G B E
This is the version of Zone found on John Frusciante's website/blog, with him just singing and on a clean
electric guitar. You can download it for free on that website/blog too.
Here are some of the chords played:
e D78 F#m x G#x Gm6 Amaj7 12 Emaj12 F#x Fx G#maj7 11 (Gm10) Gx Fm710 Ab8 G#m x Am12 D#m x 1B1 A9
B 7 10 13 8 14 12 11 10 13 11 12 11 9 12 13 7 12 10
G 7 11 13 7 13 13 11 10 12 12 12 10 8 13 14 8 11 9
D x 11 13 x x 14 11 10 x 12 12 x x 13 14 8 x x
A x 9 11 x x x 9 8 x 10 10 x x 11 12 6 x x
E x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
(Used after verse^and^)(Only in outro^)
D#5 D5 In verse: F F#
e x x 1 2
B x x 1 2
G 8 7 2 3
D 8 7 3 4
A 6 5 3 4
E x x 1 2
FI'm in the zone, F#nigga
FI washed my fF#ace
FMe being prone to reF#verse aFnd split in my F#ways
FThey're enclosed offside F#see you
FYou missed my F#fate
FThey're off sides, oh if IF# could be you
FWouldn't miss a F#day
D#5Up and collide D5with the Gmplan
D#5One season donD5't understGmand
D#5What makes the one feeD5l the eGmssential sum of whD#5at is D7
D#5I see throughD5 the Gmlens
D#5Don't go outside D5or wiGmthin
D#5The vision extends D5to what GmI am given
D#5No more, no D7less
F#mI'm in the Flast part
DmI'm in the fGmirst start
Fm7You end meAb, we get doG#wn
Amaj7When you goG#m up
BI'm withinA you
Amaj7My oppositeEmaj is then Bround F#you
G#mLife's lines goG down
AmI'm around yD#mou
D#And he Gmis insFide you
G#maj7When you go Gmup
Fm7I'm within yoFu, baby
AmMy oppositeEmaj is then Bround F#you
G#mLife's lines go dGown
AmI'm around yD#mou
D#And he is Gminside yFou
D# G#m D#