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Strum fast on all A's in Chorus Key of D
All my Dbags are packed Im Gready to go Im Dstandin here outGside your door I Dhate to wake you Gup to say Agoodbye But the Ddawn is breakin Its Gearly morn The Dtaxis waitin Hes Gblowin his horn DAlready Im so Glonesome I could Adie
So Dkiss me and Gsmile for me DTell me that youll Gwait for me DHold me like youll Gnever let me Ago cause Im Dleavin Gon a jet plane DDont know when GIll be back again DOh babe, I Ghate to Ago
Theres Dso many times Ive Glet you down So Dmany times Ive Gplayed around I Dtell you now, Gthey dont mean a Athing Evry Dplace I go, Ill Gthink of you Evry Dsong I sing, Ill Gsing for you When DI come back, Ill Gbring your wedding Aring
Chorus: So kiss me...
Now the Dtime has come to Gleave you DOne more time Let me Gkiss you Then Dclose your eyes GIll be on my way DDream about the Gdays to come When I Dwont have to Gleave alone DAbout the times, GI wont have to Asay
Chorus: Oh' kiss me...