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F, C, Ami, F, C FTall in the Csaddle weGspend ChristmasAmiday FDriving theCcattle on theGsnow-coveredCplains. FAll of theCgood giftsGgiven toAmiday; FOurs is theCsky and theGwide openCrange.
F, C, Ami, F, C Back in the cities, they have different ways, Football and eggnog and Christmas parades. I'll take the blanket; I'll take the reins; Christmas for Cowboys and wide open plains.
AThcampfiree stars oforverhwarmthead areas thwee Cstophristformas-thetreenight; lights. The wind sings a hymn as we bow down to pray; Christmas for Cowboys and the wide open plains.
F, C, G, Ami, F, C, G, C Mmmmmm.....mmmmm...
It'sFtall in theCsaddle weGspend ChristmasAmiDay, FDriving theCcattle on theGsnow-coveredCplains. FSo manyCgifts have beenGopened toAmiday; FOurs is theCsky and theGwide openCrange. It'sFChristmas forCCowboys andGwide openCplains.
F, C, Ami, F, C