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Small Town By John Cougar Mellencamp C G F G x4
C Well I was Gborn in a Fsmalltown G C and I Glive in a Fsmalltown G C Pro'bly Gdie in a Amsmalltown Oh those Dmsmall communiGties
C All my Gfriends are so Fsmall town G C My parents Glive in the Fsame small townG C My Gjob is so Amsmall town Provides Dmlittle opportuniGty
C G F G x2
C Educated Gin a Fsmall town G C Taught the fear of GJesus in a Fsmall town G C Used to dayGdream Amin that small town ADmnother boring romantic that's Gme
But I've Cseen it Gall in a Fsmall town G C Had myself a Gball in a Fsmall town G C Married an GL.A. doll and brought her Amto this small town Now she's Dmsmall town just like Gme
No I Fcannot forCget from where it Fis that I come Cfrom I canFnot forget the Cpeople who Glove me Yeah, I can Fbe myCself here Fin this small Ctown And Fpeople let me Cbe just what I Gwanna be
C G F G x2 Instrumental: Am |Am G|C |FC | Am |Am G|C |G | Am |Am G|C |FC | G |G | (Finger picking lightly for 2 bars) C (Very lightly thru last 2 verses)
C Got nothing aGgainst a Fbig town G C Still hayseed eGnough to say Flook who's in the big town G C But my Gbed is in a Amsmall town Oh, and that's Dmgood enough for Gme
C Well I was Gborn in a Fsmall town G C And I can Gbreathe in a Fsmall town G C Gonna Gdie in this Amsmall town And that's Dmprob'ly where they'll bury Gme
(ramp it up again) C G F G x3 (End on F let ring) C G F