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GNow they make new mB7ovies in olE7d black and white A7With happy endings, where nD7obody fights So ifG you find yourB7self in that nosE7talgic rage Honey, jumA7p right up and shD7ow your age
I wGish I had a peB7ncil thin musE7tache A7The Boston BlD7ackie kiGnd A twGo toned RB7icky RicE7ardo jacket And an autoA7graphed picture of AD7ndy Devine I reGmember bein' bG7uck-toothed and skinny CWritin' fan letters to SkD#y's niece Penny Oh, I wGish I had a pB7encil thin muE7stache Then IA7 could solve some mD7ysteries tGoo
Then it's BAmandstand, DisnE7eyland, groAmwin' up faE7st AmDrinkin' on a E7fake IAm.D. Yeah, and RBmama of the junF7gle was evBmeryone's BawF7ana But oA7nly jazz musicians were smD7okin' marijuana Yeah, I Gwish I had a peB7ncil thin musE7tache Then IA7 could solve some mD7ysteries toGo