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Jewel - Words Get in the Way (Goodbye Alice in Wonderland 2006) Tabbed by Kyle Morrison ( Tuning = Standard Chords Used_______________ | | |F9 (X32033) F (X00212) | |F (320033) F (X32010) | |Dm (X02210) Am(022000) | |_________________________| Intro and verses: d=Downward Strum u=Upward Strum M=Mute
F9 dudu m F9 dudu m F dudu m F dudu m e|---3333-----3333-----3333-----3333--| B|---3333-----3333-----3333-----3333--| G|---0000-----0000-----0000-----0000--|Play twice for Intro D|---2222-----2222-----0000-----0000--|Play twice for first part of the verses A|-3--------3-------------------------| E|-------------------3--------3-------|
F9Come here butter Fcup And F9let me fill you Fup DmCan't you see I'm the blue in your skies FYou can't tell by the stars in my eyes
F9Dawn always comes too Fsoon It F9hurts me like a Fbruise There's a Dmhole in my pillow
where you used to be
It Ffeels like a hole in the middle of me ohhhh F
oh oh oh
Just take my Fhand To have and hold if not oFbey
oh oh oh
Say you're still my Fman I try and find the words to Fsay
that I want you always to stay
to Fwake up with you every single Amday the words get in the Fway F *Mute* Words get in the way
F9Tell your boss your Fdead And F9let's go back to Fbed DmYou make me want to break out in song but Fevery time I try it just comes out wrong
ohhh F oh oh oh just take my Fhand to have and hold if not oFbey
oh oh oh
say you're still my Fman I try and find the words to Fsay
that I want you always to stay
To Fwake up with you every single Amday but the words get in the Fway Words get in the Dmway
I leave a Fmessage On your Fanswering machine Dm
I try to say
FWhat I really Fmean
Ohhh F oh oh oh Just take my Fhand To have and hold if not oFbey
Oh oh oh
say you're still my Fman I try and find the nerve to Fsay
that I want you always to stay
to Fwake up with you every single Fday
FOh oh oh just take my Fhand to have and hold if not Fobey
oh oh oh
say you'll be my Fman i try and find the nerve to Fsay
that I want you always to stay
to Fwake up with you every single Amday words get in the Fway C9 G (The intro is played until the end) Words get in the way