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Date: 14.03.02 From: Joe Eastwood Subject: Lyrics & tabs "Til We Run out of road" (Jewel)
Its leAaving time again I'm headed out with all my friends its a rDoll of the dice, I've never thought twice about the wAay I've been spEending my tDime Trying my gAuts out for eEvery dDime
Working in an oAffice building tall don't know who's next to you at all but bDeing out here the blood, the guts, the beer is a tAest Eonly time will tDell brings you cAloser Eman closer than hDell
(CH) We're lAeavingE, we're leaving aAgain can't recall where all we've bDeen I guess we'll justF#m go, go til we're tEoo old or we run out of rDoad
The other dAay I talked to Lou, he quit back in 92' say's he mDisses it bad those were the the best times we ever hAad, he said give it hEell til the eDnd coz once you qAuit you can'tE get it back agDain
F#mExpensive cabs and sDhitty food washed dEown with cancelled flAights Oh missed F#mwake up calls, missed hDolidays you miEss your boy and wAife DAll the late night drives that cause, the dawn to strike you like a kF#mnife Hey mAan, this is a bEeautiful liAfe
(CH) etc.. to end (ENJOY)