Jeff Buckley - Boy with the thorn in his side live
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BAND: Jeff Buckley
SONG: The Boy With The Thorn In His Side (Live)
ALBUM: Unreleased
TABBED BY: el sancco (
DThe boy with the thorn inAm7 his side
Behind the hatCered thDere lies
A murdGerous desire Am
DForAm7 love C D
How can they lGook into Ammy eDyes
And still they don't beAm7lieve me C D
How can they hGear me say tAmhose woDrds
Still they don't bAm7elieve me C
And Dif they don't belGieve me Amnow D
Will they Am7ever believe me' C
ADnd if they don't belGieve me Amnow D
Will they ever beAm7lieve me'
COhhDh, CohhDh, CohhDh, CohCmaj7hh Dsus4 C D
The bDoy with the thorn in his Am7side
Behind the hatCered thDere lies
A plunGdering desire Am
DForAm7 love C D
How can they sGee the love inAm our eDyes
And still they don't beAm7lieve us C D
And after all Gthis time Am D
They don't want toAm7 believe us C
And Dif they don't belGieve us Amnow D
Will they Am7ever believe us' C
ADnd when you want to Glive howAm do yoDu start'
Where do you go' Who do you need to kAm7now'
COhhDh, CohhDh, CohhDh, CohCmaj7hh Dsus4 C D
Transcribed By SANCCO (