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Try Try Try by Jason Mraz
GOh baby we can fight like dogs we can fight lBike cats a dirty laundry needs a laundry man Emmaybe the king and the queen should lay off the caffeine bCaby breathe before you rDeact
Gsometimes we do forget to behave and we regret whaBt we say
cause words are too weapons if we don't choose'em carefully
Emladies and gentlemen this is instrumental iCf life's to be a bed of Droses
Ci know i gave you Deverything you like Ambecause you still give me Dbutterflies
Cif we just try try tDry just to be Gni-ni-nEmice Cthen the world would be a bDetter place for Gyou and EmI Cif we just live our lDives putting oGur differences aEmside Coh that would be so Dbeautiful to Gme
GAre we just dangling in the middle of a gBalaxy Well i'm stoked on gravity To be Emstuck with you like flowers on the dew drops Now let itC in my directiDon GMy direction is up when everybody's down Bcause i don't mind being anybody's clown EmI love a little lift cause i'm an optimistic CIn an altruistic Dway
GCause basically this place is needing Binstruments of harmony EmSpreading my philosophy of lCove and inspiratDion COh these words I speak DI commit to like a crime Amwith a rhythm i deliver i'm giving them a picture of the reasons wDhy
CWe should just try try tDry Just to be Gni-ni-nEmice CSo the world could be a Dbetter place for yGou and EmI CIf we just live our lDives GPutting our differences aEmside COh that would be so Dbeautiful to Gme
well it wouldn't cost a penny but could save so many lonely lives from teary eyes if we just try try try to open up a can of understanding open up your heart i'm just planting seeds cause i believe
CWe could just try try Dtry Just to be Gni-ni-niEmce CSo the world would be a Dbetter place for Gyou and EmI CIf we just live our Dlives PGutting our differences aEmside COh that would be so Dbeautiful to Gme
Cif we could tr --- Dy, just to Gbe ni Em--- ce Cthat could be so Dbeautiful to Emme I belGieve, COh that could be so Dbeautiful to Gme _________________________________________________________________________ Good Luck ! (: This is by °-°ciigdeem°-° (germ.) ich grüüße alle aus Deutschland ;) Besonders Shelly :) Ich hoffe es sind keine Fehler drin ;)