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The Load Out and Stay chords Jackson Browne G Bm C Em C D G C/G 2x
Now the Gseats are all Bmempty, Let the Croadies take the Emstage. Pack it Cup and tear it GdowC/Gn.
They re the first to come,
And Emlast to leave. Working Cfor that minimum Emwage. They ll Cset it up in aGnother townC/G. Tonight the Empeople were so B7fine. They Cwaited there in A7line, And when they Ggot up on their Emfeet They made the CshowG. And that was sweet but I can Bmhear the sound, Of slamming Cdoors and folding Emchairs. And that s a Csound they ll Dnever GknowC/G.
Now Groll them cases out and Clift them amps. GHaul them trusses down and Cget em up them ramps. GCause when it comes to Bmmovin me, You Cknow, you guys are the Dchamps. But when that Glast guitar s been Cpacked away, GYou know that CI still want to Emplay. So just make Csure you got it all set to Emgo, Before you Dcome, for my pianGo.
G Bm C Em C D G C/G 2x
But the Emband s on the B7bus, And they re Cwaiting to A7go. We ve got to Gdrive all Emnight, And do a Dshow in CChicaGgo. Or DeGtroit, I don t Bmknow, We do Cso many shows in a Emrow. And these Ctowns all Dlook the Gsame. We just pass the time in the Chotel rooms, And Gwander Cround backEmstage. Till those Clights come up, And we Emhear that crowd, And we reGmember Dwhy we came.
G Bm C Em C D G C/G 2x
Now, we got GCountry & WestCern on the bus, EmR & B. We got CDisco and 8-tracks, And cassettes in sterGeo. We ve got rural scenes &aCmp; magazines, And we ve got Gtruckers on CEmB. And we got Richard CPryor on the Dvideo. We got Gtime to think of the Cones we love, While the Gmiles roll aEmway. But the Conly time that Emseems too short, Is the Gtime that we get to Dplay.
People Gyou ve got the power, Over Cwhat we do, You can Gsit there and wait, Or you can Cpull us through. Come aGlong, sing the Csong, GYou know that Emyou can t go Cwrong. Cause when that Gmorning sun comes Cbeatin down, You re going to Gwake up in your Emtown.
But Cwe ll be scheduled tEmo appear, A Dthousand Cmiles away from Ghere.
People GstEmay Cjust a Dlittle bit GloEmngeCr.D We want to GplEmay Cay just a Dlittle bit GloEmngeCr.D Now, the proGmoter don t EmminCd.D And the Gunion don t EmminCd.D If we Gtake a little Emtime, And we Cleave it all beDhind, And Emsing (one more song...) Oh oh, won t you GstEmay Cay. Just a Dlittle bit Glonger Emer-eCr Der. GPlease, Emplease, Cplease, Dsay you Emwill.
(Say you will.) solo
Oh won t you GstayEm-ay-Cay. Just a Dlittle bit GloEmngeCr.D Oh-oh, Gplease, Emplease, Cstay-ay-ay. Just a Dlittle bit GmoEmre.C D
Ay-ee-ay-ee-ay. Wooo!
Now, the proGmoter don t EmminCd.D And the Groadies don t EmminCd.D If we Gtake a little Emtime, And we Cleave this all beDhind, And sing Emone more song.
G Em C D Set8