Jackson Browne - Song for adam
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Song For Adam Capo: 1.B
Intro: A F C F C G A A
Verse 1:
AThough Adam was a Cfriend of mine, IF did not know him well
He was alCone iC/Bnto his dAistanceG, He was Fdeep into his well
I could gCuess wC/Bhat he was lauAghing aGt, But FI couldn't really tell
Now the stAory's tGold that AAdam jumGped, But I'm tFhinking that he fAell
Verse 2:
ATogether we went tCravelling, as Fwe received the call
His deCstinaC/Btion InAdia, anGd I hFad none at all
Well I stCill reC/Bmember lauAghing, Gwith ouFr backs against the wall
So frAee of fGear we nevAer thouGght, tFhat one of us might fAall G
Chorus 1:
FI sit before my only caCndle, but it's Fso little light to find my Cway
Now this stFory unfolds before my caAndle
Which is shCorter every hour as it reGaches for the day
Well I fAeel just like a candle in a Gway
I guess I'll get thFere but I wouldn't sCay__G foFr suCre F C G
Verse 3:
When weA parted we were laCughing still, Fas our goodbyes were said
And I neCver hC/Beard from Ahim aGgain,F as each our lives we led
except for ConceC/B in somAeone elGse's Fletter that I read
UnAtil I hGead the suAdden woGrd, thFat a friend of mine was dAead G
Chorus 2:
FI sit before my only caCndle, like a piFlgrim sits beside the wCay
Now this joFurney appears before my Acandle
as a soCng that's growing fainter, the Gharder I play
well I fAear before I am I'll fade awGay
But I guess I'll get tFhere, though I wouldn't saCy___G foFr suCre F C G
Verse 4:
AThough Adam was a Cfriend of mine, FI did not know him long
And when IC stoC/Bod myselAf beside Ghim, I neFver thought I was as strong
still it sCeemed hC/Be stoppedA his sinGging in Fthe middle of his song
well IA'm not the oGne to sAay I knGow butF I'm hoping he was wrAong G
Chorus 3:
FI'm holding out my only cCandle, though it's Fso little light to find my Cway
now this stFory's been layed beneath my Acandle
and it's shCorter every hour as it reGaches for the day
yes I feAel just like a candle in a wGay
I hope I'll get theFre but I'll never prCay G F C F C G
outro: A A
[Send from Laurel Flodder Germany]