Jackson Browne - Sky blue and black
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NB: Not my lyrical transcription
This is as close as I could come with my limited chord knowledge; if it isn't accurate
it works pretty well! Questions, or hopefully corrections are welcome.
CIn the calling out to one another
Of the Amlovers up and down the strand
DmIn the sound of the waves and the cries
Of the Gseagulls circling the sand
CIn the fragments of the songs
Carried down the Amwind from some radio
DmIn the murmuring of the city in the distance
GOminous and low
CI hear the sound of a Amworld where we played
And the Dmfar too simple beauty of the Gpromises we made
AmIf you ever need Fholding
CCall my name, GI'll be there
AmIf you ever needF holding
And no Cholding back, I'll see you Gthrough
CSky Amblue and black
Dm//musicG w/o lyrics//
CWhere the touch of the lover ends
And the Amsoul of the friend begins
There's a Dmneed to be separate and a need to be one
And a Gstruggle neither wins
CWhere you gave me the world I was in
And a Amplace I could make a stand
(And) I could Dmnever see how you doubted me
When I'd Glet go of your hand
CYeah, and AmI was much younger then
And I Dmmust have thought that I'd have known
If Gthings were going to end
AmAnd the heavens were Frolling
CLike a wheel on a Gtrack
AmAnd our sky was unFfolding
C And it'll never fold Gback
CSky blue and Amblack
Dm//musicG w/o lyrics//
I'd have Amfought the world for you
(I'd have Ffought the world for you)
If I Cthought that you wantGed me to
Or put Amaside what was true or Guntrue
If I'd Cknown that's what you needed
GWhat you needed me to do
CBut the moment has Ampassed by me now
To have Dmput away my pride
And just come Gthrough for you somehow
AmIf you ever needF holding
CCall my name,G I'll be there
AmIf you ever needF holding
And no Cholding back, I'll see you Gthrough
CYou're the color of the sky
Reflected in each Amstore-front window pane
DmYou're the whispering and the sighing
Of my Gtires in the rain
CYou're the hidden cost and the thing that's Amlost in everything I do
DmYeah and I'll Gnever stop Clooking for you
Am//music w/o lyrics//
DmIn the sunlight and the shadows
And the Gfaces on the avenue
CThat's the way love is
AmThat's the way love is
DmThat's the way love is
GSky blue and Cblack
Chord Transcription: Vincent J. Florio