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Of missing persons – Jackson Browne (Album: Hold Out) Intro: |Am |F |C/E F |C/G | |E |Am |F/G |C |
Your Amfather was a Frounder he C/Eplayed that Frock and C/Groll A Eleaper and a Ambounder down F/Gto his gypsy Csoul The Ammusic was his Fangel and C/Esorrow Fwas his C/Gstar And Ethose of us who Amfollow might F/Ghope to reach as Cfar
They're Dmwalking Emslow in FHouston C/Gspeechless E/G#in D.AmC. There's Dmno way EmI could Ftell you what he meant to C/Gme G
Your Ammother's a surFvivor she'll C/Edo what Fmust be C/Gdone Her Echildren will reAmvive her and F/Ghelp her see the Csun She Amalmost knew that Funison but the C/Esinging sFtopped too C/Gsoon ENow she shares the Amsilence with a F/Gman up in the Cmoon
To Dmspeak of Emmissing Fpersons C/Gtonight there's E/G#only Amone And Dmwe all Emcarry Fwith us what the man's beC/Ggun G
And you can F/Gsing this Csong on F/CJuly the CFourth In the F/Csunny Csouth and the F/Cfrozen Cnorth It's a F/Cday of Closs, it's your Fday of Ebirth Does it take a Amdeath to learn what a F/Glife is worth?
Your Ambrothers are all Folder and they'll C/Etake it Fin their C/Gstride The Eworld's a little Amcolder but F/Gmanhood's on their Cside Now Amyou're the little Fgirl-child and you C/Elook so Fmuch like C/Ghim And Ehe's right there inAmside you each F/Gtime you want to Csing
DmSing of Emmissing Fpersons toC/Gnight there's E/G#only Amone But Dmhe's where Emyou can Ffind him when it's said and C/Gdone G
And we will F/Gsing this Csong on F/CJuly the CFourth From the F/Csunny Csouth and the F/Cfrozen Cnorth This will F/Calways Cbe your Fday of Ebirth May you always Amsee what your life is F/Gworth
Slide solo: |Am |F |C/E F |C/G | |E |Am |F/G |C | |Am |F |C/E F |C/G | |E |Am |F/G |C | |Dm Em |F |C/G |E/G# Am | |Dm Em |F |C/G |G |
And you can F/Gsing this Csong on F/CJuly the CFourth In the F/Csunny Csouth and the F/Cfrozen Cnorth It's a F/Cday of Closs, it's your F/Cday of Cbirth
Coda: |C F/C |C | (repeat till end) Transcribed by Gerard Koot (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) – dec 2008 Email: