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Lawyers in Love Jackson Browne
AI cant keep up with whats been goF#ming down AI think my heart must just be sF#mlowing down DAmong the hF#muman beings Din their dF#mesigner jeans DAm I the oF#mnly ones who hEear the screams? And the stF#mrangled cries of Elawyers in lAove AGod sends his spaceships to F#mAmerica the beautifuEl AThey land at six oclock and tF#mhere we are the dutifuEl DEating from TF#mV trays tDuned into hF#mappy days DWaiting for wF#morld war three while JEesus slaves To the F#mmating calls of lEawyers in Alove AOoh sha laa oF#moh AOoh sha laa oF#moh AAhhF#m ALast night I watch the news from F#mWashington the CapitaEl AThe Russian escaped while we were wF#matching them like Russians do E DNow we ve got F#mall this room Dwe ve even F#mgot the moon DAnd I hear the UF#m.S.S.R will be oEpen soon As vF#macation lands for lEawyers in lAove AOoh sha laa oF#moh AOoh sha laa F#mooh AAahF#m