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The Late Show – Jackson Browne (Album: Late for the Sky) ------------------------------
GEveryone I've ever known has wished me Cwell AnyGway that's how it seems, it's hard to Ctell Maybe Gpeople only Dask you how you're doing C 'Cause that's Geasier than Dletting on how D#dimlittle they could Emcare G CBut when you C#dimknow that you've got a G/Dreal frB7iend someEmwhere AmSuddenly all the others are so much Deasier to bear
GNow to see things clear it's hard enough I Cknow While you're Gwaiting for reality to Cshow Without Gdreaming of the Dperfect love And Cholding it so far Gabove That if you Dstumbled onto someone D#dimreal, you'd never Emknow G (You'd never know) C You could be with somebody who is Glonely too (Sometimes it doesn't show) C He might be trying to get Gacross to you (Words can be so slow) C C#dim G/D B7/D# Em When your own emptiness is all that's getting through There comes a Ampoint when you're not sure why you're still talkiDng I passed that point Glong ago (Long G7ago) C
Now I'm so tired of Gall this circling DAnd all these D#dimglimpses of the Emend (You know it's Guseless to pretend) CThat's all the voices say: G"You'lD/F#l go righEmt on circling AmUntil you've found some kind of Dfriend"
GI saw you through the laughter and the Cnoise You were Gtalking with the soldiers and the Cboys While they Gscuffled for your Dweary smiles I Cthought of all the empty Gmiles
And the Dyears that I've spent D#dimlooking for your Emeyes G(Looking for your eyes) C And now I'm sitting here wondering Gwhat to say (That you might recognize) C Afraid that all these words might Gscare you away (And break through the disguise) C C#dim D B7/D# Em No one ever talks about their feelings anyway Without Amdressing them in dreams and laughter DI guess it's just too painful othGerwise G7
Solo: |C |G |D D#dim |Em G | |C |G D/F# Em |Am |D | Look...
It's like you're D#dimstanding in the window Of a Emhouse nobody Glives in And I'm Csitting in a car across the Dway (Let's just Csay) It's an early model GChevrolet (Let's just sCay) It's a warm and windy Gday D/F# Em Em/D# You go and pack your sorrow The G/Dtrash man comes toA7/C#morrow Leave it Cat the curb and Dwe'll just roll Gaway
Coda: |C |G |C |G | |C |G |C |G (car door) | |C |G (car door) |C D |Em Em/D# | |G/D A7/C# |C D |G || Tabbed by Gerard Koot (Amsterdam, Netherlands) – may 2007 email: