Hillsong Worship - Behold then sings my soul
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Capo: 3
Behold Then Sings My Soul by Hillsong Worship
Key of Bb: Capo 3
Album Key: Key of B (Capo 4)
G = 320033
Cadd9 = x32033
G Cadd9 G
[Verse 1]
GBehold, the Father's heart
Cadd9The mystery he lavishes on us
EmAs deep, cries out, too Gdeep
GOh, how desperately he wants Cadd9us
EmThe things of Earth Gstand next to him
GLike a candle to the Cadd9sun
Cadd9Unfailing FaEmther
DWhat compares to his great Cadd9love
[Verse 2]
GBehold, his Holy Son
Cadd9The lion and the lamb given to us
EmThe word became a Gman
GThat my soul should know its Cadd9Savior
EmForsaken for the sake of all Gmankind
GSalvation in his Cadd9blood
Cadd9Jesus, EmMessiah
DThe righteous died for Cadd9love
Cadd9It wasn't Emover, DFor he is the Risen Cadd9One
Cadd9Then sings my Gsoul, Then sings Emmy soul
EmHow great your loDve is, How great your Cadd9love is
Cadd9Then sings my Gsoul, Then sings Emmy soul
EmHow great you loDve me, How great you Cadd9love me
Cadd9Then sings my Gsoul
[Verse 3]
GBehold, I have a friend
Cadd9The Spirit breathing Holy Fire within
EmMy ever present hGelp
Cadd9Speaking truth when I can't Cadd9find it
EmLight up this broken heart and light my Gway
G'Til my time on Earth is Cadd9done
Cadd9Oh, Holy SpiEmrit, Breathe in Dme like kingdCadd9om come
Cadd9Oh, Holy SpiEmrit, let Your Dwork in me be Cadd9done
Cadd9Then sings my Gsoul, Then sings Emmy soul
EmHow great your loDve is, How great your Cadd9love is
Cadd9Then sings my Gsoul, Then sings Emmy soul
EmHow great your loDve is, How great your Cadd9love is
Cadd9Then sings my Emsoul, Then sings my Gsoul
GHow great your Dlove is, How great your Cadd9love is
Cadd9Then sings my Gsoul
DMy God
Cadd9He who was, and is to Gcome
EmPrepare the way, Until the Gwork on Earth is Ddone
Watch as the Cadd9clouds He rides swing Dlow
Lift up the Emsound as He makes our praise His Cadd9throne
Behold the Cadd9Lord, our GDod, Will lead us Ghome