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Chords: Am--- 022033-| F---- x32033-| C---- 320033-| Gsus4 xx0233
AmThe precious blood of JeFsus Christ redeems, Cforgiven i’m Gsus4alive, restored set free. Amyour majesty resFides inside of me, Cforever i beliGsus4eve. forever i believe.
Amarrested by your truFth and righteousness Cyour grace has overwhGsus4elmed my brokenness Amconvicted by your spiFrit, led by your woCrd your love will never faGsus4il your love will never faFil
C‘Cause i know you Gsus4gave, the worlAmd your only son Ffor us to Cknow your naGsus4me, to live Amwithin the sFaviours love and he toCok my plGsus4ace, knowinAmg he’d be crucFified and you loCved.. you lGsus4oved, a peopleAm undeservFing!