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Capo: 4
Capo 4 for original song key
C You've goGt your aAmirplane AndF I've got the plain air of here CYou're goneG, I've gone inAmsane FOh when will you reappear? CI'm just Gsome new Amkid FWho can't get his mind off of you CAnd I knowG that it's sAmtupid F
C'Cause you've got GHawaii Am and I've Fgotten no letters from you CI should Gstop whiAmning F'cause it's only been a day or two CI don't Gknow what Amyou did Fbut you got me to fall for you CAnd I knowG that it'Ams stupid F
AmYour family's rFad and I CWish that they were Ghere today But they're tAmhousands and thousands of Fmiles away AmAnd I felt so Fbad when your mom CCaught us eating Eice cream in your FRoom at three in the Gmorning 'Cause I'dF hate for hGer To not wAmant me around her daughter 'Cause myF heart stops Geverytime C
CYou've gotG polaroiAmd And Fyou even know how to rhyme CI'd be oGverjoyedAm If Fwe could just hang out sometime CI don't kGnow whatAm you did FBut you got me to fall for you CAnd I knoGw that it's stAmupid F
AmYour drawing's rFad and I Cput it in on my wGall and I Made Amsure it wouldn'tF fall 'cause if it did AmMy straw wFrapper might tear CAnd there would be no Eknot and I would FFeel like I'd been sGhot right through the heart FAnd I'd fGall Amapart but I'd remember how My hFeart stops Gevery time C
CYou areG so sAmpecial FI just hope that we can be friends CI'll wGait foAmrever FBut I guess that it all depends COn you Gand yAmours FSo come on and dance with me CYou areG so spAmecial F
(solo, I skipped this because I did an acoustic version)
EI hope this mAmakes you smile EAnd you might stAmay that way for a while E'Cause you deAmserve every grin that you Eget And you'll Fget 'em a lot from Gme
Oh oh, oh oh
CYou arGe so spAmecial FI just hope that we can be friends CI'll waiGt foreAmver FBut I guess that it all depends COn you Gand yoAmurs FSo come on and dance with me CYou arGe so Amspecial GAnd my heart stops every timCe.