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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HERE IN YOUR ARMS - Hellogoodbye --------------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Squizz Email:
F i lCike where we aDmre when we dBbrive in your cFar i lCike where we aDmre Chere
F cause our lCips can tDmouch and our cBbheeks can brFush our lCips can toDmuch Chere
F i lCike where you slDmeep when you sBbleep next to mFe i lCike where you slDmeep Chere
where yFou are the one, the oCne that lies close to me Dmwhispers, "hello, i'Bbve missed you quite terribly" Fi fell in love, in lCove with you suddenly Dmnow theres no place else i cBbould be but here in your aFrms.