Guns N' Roses - Patience
chordsver. 2
chords ver. 1
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tabs ver. 1
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bass ver. 1
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I looked at all "the best" chord tabs of this song I could find, but none
of them sounded right, so I fixed one up. So here is, of what I know, the
best PATIENCE chord tab there is. I went through it and put in the correct
lyrics, and sustaining D chords. Hope you like it! This is my first tab.
Tuning: Half-Step down
Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, Eb
C G C Em C G D D
CShed a tear cause I'm missing you
GI'm still alright to smile
AGirl I think about you every Dday now Dsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
CWas a time when I wasn't sure
But you Gset my mind at ease
AThere is no doubt, you're in my Dheart nowDsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
CSad woman tGake it slow
It will Cwork itself out Emfine
CAll we need is Gjust a little paDtienceDsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
CSad sugar mGake it slow and
It Ccomes together Emfine
CAll we need is Gjust a little paDtienceDsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
D Dsus2 D Dsus4PatiencDe(wDsus2hispereDd)
D Dsus2 uuuDuuuDsus4uuuuuuuDuuuDsus2uuuuuuuDuh (You can just make up how long you wanna hold out the "uuuuh yeah")
DyeaDsus2aaaaaaDaaaDsus4aaaaaaaDh Dsus2 D
CSit here on the stairs
Cause I'dG rather be alone
If AI can't have you right now
I'll wDait dearDsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
CSometimes I get so tense
But I Gcan't speed up the time
But'Ayou know love, there's one more thing
To consDiderDsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
CSad woman Gtake it slow
And Cthings will be just fEmine
CYou and I'll just Guse a little pDatienceDsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
CSad sugar Gtake the time
Cause the lCights are shining brEmight
CYou and I got wGhat it takes to Dmake itDsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
(Start singing the next line of lyrics when you play the 2nd Dsus2 chord)
DWe don't fake itDsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
DAhh and never break itDsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
DCause I can't take itDsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
(Solo chords)
C G C Em C G D Dsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D (x2)
D Dsus2 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D (x3)
(Solo ends)
D G D G D A little paGtience
MmDmmm yeah
Mmmmm yGeah
Need a little paDtience
Just a little paDtience
DI've been walking the streets tonight
GJust trying to get it right
DIt's hard to see with so many around
Ya Gknow I don't like being stuck in the crowd
And the Dstreets don't change but baby the name
GI ain't got time for the game
Cause I Dneed you
Yeah Yeah well I nGeed you
Uh I nDeed you
Woh I Gneed you
Uhh this tDime G D