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When its Time - Green Day - American Idiot Musical Album Tabbed by: KyLeDaYgReEnDaY Email: Tuning: Standard Acoustic
GWords get trapped in my Dmind, Sorry I don't Emtake the time to feel the way I Cdo.
Cause the Gfirst day you came into my Dlife, The time ticks Garound you D
GBut then I need your Dvoice As the key to Emunlock all the love that's trapped in Cme
So tell me Gwhen it's Dtime to say I Glove you. G
CAll I want is Gyou to understand, that Dwhen I take your hand, it's 'cause I Gwant to. G B
CWe are all born Gin a world of doubt But there's no Ddoubt, I figured out
CI G/Blove G/Ayou. Guitar Solo (Electric)
E|-3---------------2---------------|------------------------------| B|-----3-------3-------3-------5---|-5---7---5----5---7---5-------| G|---------4---------------4-------|--------------------------7---| D|---------------------------------|------------------------------| A|---------------------------------|------------------------------| E|---------------------------------|------------------------------| E|------------------------------|------------------------------|-3---------------2---------------| B|-5------------3-----------7---|-7----------------8-----------|-----3-------3-------3-------5---| G|-----5------------4-----------|-----7--------7-------7-------|---------4---------------4-------| D|---------5------------5-------|---------7----------------7---|---------------------------------| A|------------------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------| E|------------------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------| E|------------------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------| B|-5---7---5----5---7---5-------|-5------------3-----------7---|-7----------------8--------| G|--------------------------7---|-----5------------4-----------|-----7--------7-------7----| D|------------------------------|---------5------------5-------|---------7-----------------| A|------------------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------| E|------------------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------|
CAll I want is Gyou to understand, that Dwhen I take your hand, it's 'cause I Gwant to. G G
CWe are all born Gin a world of doubt But there's no Ddoubt, I figured out
CI Glove yAou.
GI feel lonely Dfor All the losers Emthat will never take the time to Csay,
What was Greally on their mind inDstead D They just hide Gaway G D
GYet they'll never Dhave someone like you Emto guide them and help along the Cway.
Or tell them Gwhen it's Dtime to say I Glove you.
So tell me Gwhen it's Dtime to say I Clove you. G D G ************
| / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************