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From: Subject: One For the Razorbacks - Green Day Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 21:43:25 -0500 (CDT) One for the Razorbacks - GREEN DAY Here is yet another Green Day tune off Kerplunk. Cool song, fun to play. Write me if you download this. I want to hear from you. If you have any Green Day requests, I can play just about everything. Thanks. INTRO (Cleanly arpeggio. Listen to the CD.) B F# B E B F# B VERSE:
BJuliet's F#tryin BTo find out what she wants, bEut she don't know BExperience hF#as got her down B F#
BLook this direF#ction, BI know it's not perfEection, it's just me... BI want to briF#ng you up again now. B
I'm loF#sing what's left of myE dignity B A small pricF#e to pay to see that Eyou're happy. Forget all F#the disappointmeEnts you have faced B Open up yF#our worried world andE let me in B
VERSE 2: Juliet's crying Cause now she's realizing love can be Filled with pain and distrust. I know I am crazy, and a bit lazy But I will try to bring you up again somehow. CHORUS SOLO (chords under the solo, same as verse) Repeat VERSE 2 CHORUS End on B. Other Green Day posted by me: Armitage Shanks (off the upcoming album) J.A.R. Paper Lanterns Private Ale