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From: Subject: christie_road.crd Ok, IÕm pretty sure about this one, because I have it on video tape and everything was pretty clear. I did this because: a) I never really thoughtabout tabbing this before and b) no offense, but some of the other tabs didnÕt sound right. Anyway, tune to Eb, and enjoy (looks best in Courier) Only non-barre-chords right here EADGBe D --0232 E 0221-- Verse 1:
G Staring out of my window E Watching the cars go rolling by C
My friends are gone
I've got nothing to Ddo G So I sit here patiently E Watching the clock tick so slowly CGotta get away Or my brains will exDplode
CGive me something to Gdo to kill some Dtime CTake me to that Gplace that I call Dhome CTake away the stGrains of being lonelyD C (hold) G (hold) D Take me to the tracks at Christie Road
Verse 2: See the hills from afar Standing on my beat up car The sun went down and the night fills the sky Now I feel like me once again As the train comes rolling in Smoked my boredom gone Slapped my brains up so high Chorus Bridge: G G FFFF C C FFFF
GMoBther stay Fout of my wayG of that Bplace we Fgo GWe'll Balways Fseem to find our wayG to CBhristie RFoad ...Repeat that once...
If there's Cone thing Fthat I Gneed that Cmakes me Ffeel comGplete So I Cgo to FChristie GRoad It's's hoCme G G FFFF C C FFFF G G FFFF C C FFFF It's's home G G FFFF C C FFFF it's home