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Green Day - Basket Case
DDo you have the Atime Gto listen to me Dwhine GAbout nothing and Deverything Aall at once DI am one of Athose GMelodramatic Dfools GNeurotic to the Dbone no doubt about Ait
GSometimes I Agive myself the Dcreeps GSometimes my Amind plays tricks on Dme GIt all keeps adding Aup DI think I'm cracking Eup GAm I just paraAnoid ' I'm just Dstoned
G,D,A,D x2
DI went to a Ashrink GTo analyze my Ddreams GShe says it's lack of Dsex that's bringing me Adown DI went to a Awhore GHe said my life's a Dbore GAnd quit my whining Dcause it's bringing her Adown
EGrasping to Acontrol (let it ring) So you better hold on
DAGDGAD x2 Chorus