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A# G# F
C C C G# F C
C C C G# F C
CI'CveC got a knack for fucking everything up.
G#My FteCmper flies and I get myself all wound up.
CMyC fCuse is short and my blood pressure is high.
G#I lFosCe control and l get myself all wound up.
CTeCnsCion mounts and l fly off the wall.
G#l sFelCf-destruct and l get myself all wound up.
CPeCtuClance and irritation sets in.
G#I tFhrCow a tantrum and l get all wound up.
CMyG# teFmpCer flies and I get myself all wound up.
CI G#losFe Ccontrol and l get myself all wound up.
Cl G#selFf-Cdestruct and l get myself all wound up.
CI G#thrFowC a tantrum and l get all wound up.
CChCipC on my shoulder and a leech on my back.
G#StuFckC in a rut and l get myself all wound up.
CKiCllCed my composure and it will never come back.
G#LosFs Cof control and l get myself all wound up.
CBlCowCn out of proportion again.
G#My FteCmper snaps and l get all wound up.
CSpConCtaneous combustion, panic attack.
G#I sFliCpped a gear and l get myself all wound up.