Green Day - American idiot
drumver. 9
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Hey guys, so this is my first tab :)
Please be nice.
Any questions or comments can be sent to
Song: American Idiot
Album: American Idiot
Year of Release: 2004
Artist/s: Green Day
Original Drummer: Trè Cool
CC: Crash Cymbal
RC: Ride Cymbal (optional)
HH: Hi Hat (played open the entire song)
HT: High Tom
SD: Snare Drum
FT: Floor Tom
BD: Bass Drum
Notes for playing this song:
1. For the chorus, I have used the Ride Cymbal as I believe it sounds
slightly better, however, the more correct way to play it is simply
with an open Hi - Hat.
2. Many people find the song's main fill hard to play because of the
parts involving the Bass drum. If so, it is acceptable (for now) to
simply play ONLY the Floor Tom for that particular part.
3. The majority of beginner drummers who attempt this song find the
speed of the song to be an issue. If this is the case, simply play
Quarter Notes instead of Eighth Notes (although the main fill MUST be
played in Eighth Note counting!)
4. The counting for the main fill has been included to help beginners.
(Allow the guitar to complete the riff ONCE before beginning on the
count of Four)
|----BD----BD--------------------| Repeat x 3
Verse 1:
(Only the Bass is played for "Don't wanna be an American Idiot".
The Crash and Snare are played together as the singer ends the
word "Idiot", on the count of Four )
|----BD----BD---------------------| Repeat x 4
"Welcome to a new kind of tension..."
"All across the alienation..."
"Where everything isn't meant to be okay..."
"Television dreams of tomorrow..."
"We're not the ones who're meant to follow..."
"For that's enough to argue..."
Main Fill:
1 & 2 &
3 & 4 & - a
1 & 2 &
3 & 4
Repeat Intro (without the beginning guitar start) x 4, over 2 bars.
Verse 2: Repeat Verse 1 exactly.
Chorus: Repeat Chorus exactly. (Including the Main Fill)
Guitar Solo: Repeat Chorus exactly. (NOT including the Main Fill)
Bridge: Repeat Main Fill x 5, at the end of the last repetition, choke the Crash Cymbal.
After the Choke, rest for half a bar (the duration of the words "It's going out to Idiot America".
Chorus: Repeat Chorus exactly. (Including the Main Fill)