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From: Subject: 409_in_your_coffeemaker.crd IÕm surprised no one posted this song before -- this was the easiest tab I ever did. Anyway, you know the routine - tune to Eb, play barre chords Intro: C C C F G 4X Verse 1:
I Gsit in the state of a Fdaydream With Gall of your words flying Fover my head G Even more time gets Fwasted In a Gdaze F It Gshould seem obvious Fto you Your Gscreams and cries are neFver going to work G And all of your Ftime gets wasted In my GdazeF
And I'm Clooking back Gnow At where CI have gone Gwrong And Cwhy I could Gnot seem to Cget aDlong
My Cinterests are Glonging To Cbreak through these Gchains These Cchains that conGtrol C D C C C F G 4x My future's aim
Verse 2: I sit in the state of a daydream With all of your words flying over my head Even more time gets wasted In a daze Maybe I'm just too damn lazy Or maybe I was just brainwashed to think that way And all of your time gets wasted In my daze Chorus 2x Solo(verse riff) Chorus Outro: C C G G C C G G C C G G C C G G zach