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Tuning: E A D G B E
[Verse 1]
CYou think that you Gknow everythinFg to know about the Gworld CBut let me tell you Gnow Fyou're just a little Ggirl There's much more to comCe G you can'Ft give up noGw CCollege exams and hiGgh school boyfriends FJust getting byG for the restC G
CSo we'll take it one step at a time GDon't be nervous you will be fine FWe'll get through this toGgether you and Cme G CSo we'll it one step at a time GDon't be nervous you will be fine FWe'll get through this togGether you and Cme G FCuz I belGieve you Ccan G FSo please just Gtake my Chand G FAnd we will Gget through thisC togethGer FBecause the gGood just gets betterC
[Verse 2]
CSure your roughG days and yourF heart breaks G CBut ice cream is the Gbest medicine for Fmistakes G
CSo we'll take it one step at a time GDon't be nervous you will be fine FWe'll get through this togGether you and Cme G CSo we'll take it one step at a time GDon't be nervous you will ll be fine FWe'll get through this togGether you and Cme G FCuz I belieGve you canC G FSo please just Gtake my handC G FAnd we will Gget through this life Ctogether G FBecause the gooGd
CSo keep pushing through it yGou can do it FWe will find a Cway out G CHours in to seconds Gseconds FSo please just make every Cone of them Gcount
CSo we'll take it one step at a time GDon't be nervous you will be fine FWe'll get through this toGgether you and Cme G CSo we'll take it one step at a time GDon't be nervous you will be fine FWe'll get through this toGgether you and Cme G FCuz I beGlieve you Ccan G FSo please just Gtake my Chand G FAnd we will Gget through this lifeC togethGer FBecause the Ggood just gets better C